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Who we are

The NRTO community

The NRTO organizational chart

The registries

The research team

NRTO patients and patient advocates

The stakeholders

Drs. McCluggage, Stewart, and Matias-Guiu, recognized as international experts, will serve as the central pathology reviewers for all questionable SCCOHTs and SCSTs in this study. They will also inform referring pathologists about the availability of the NRTO. Clinicians can get involved by contacting the principal investigators through the NRTO web portal.

International SCCOHT Consortium (Dr. Ray-Coquard, Dr. Huntsman and Dr. Weissman), other clinicians’ collaborators (e.g. Dr. Guillén-Ponce, Dr. Tischkowitz, Dr. Castillo, Dr. Gil, Dr. Pardo, Dr. Torrezan, Dr. García-Donás) are some of the clinicians involved that refer patients to the NRTO.

GETTHI (grupo español de oncología transversal y tumores huérfanos e infrecuentes) (Dr. Jesús García-Donas) refer rare tumor ovary patients to the NRTO and release all the new advances of the NRTO through their monthly newsletter published in Spain and Latin American countries. 

Other databases such as the UK-based Rare Neoplasms of Gynecological Origin (RaNGO) (Dr. Hall) and the French GINECO Network (Dr. Ray-Coquard)

Oriana Sousa, MSc, is a SCCOHT survivor and a Patient Advocate trained by EUPATI. Oriana is the reference patient advocate for the NRTO patients and she has been actively involved in the design of this website.

There are four Patient Organizations associated with the NRTO: The Eve Appeal by Athena Lamnisos (London, UK), Small Cell Ovarian Cancer Foundation (SCOCF) by Maren Petersen (Sandy, UT, USA), Katie Oppo Research Fund (KORF) by Liz Oppo (Manhasset, NY, USA), Associação de Pais e Amigos de Crianças com Cancro (Acreditar) by Margarida Cruz (Lisbon, Portugal). These four Patient Organizations are an essential part in the NRTO community to actively promote the Rare Tumors of The Ovary using social media, such as Facebook or X, and organizing workshops to engage the public.

Creation of the NRTO was funded by a research grant from the US Department of Defense to Drs. William Foulkes, Barbara Rivera and Morag Park.